畫畫說故事 Draw Me A Story
類型: 美術教育類

嶄新創意手法 彩繪童話新貌
01. 三隻小豬 The Three Little Pigs
02. 灰姑娘Cinderella
03. 勇敢的小裁縫The Brave Little Tailor
04. 龜兔賽跑The Great Race
05. 歌蒂拉與三隻熊GOLDILOCKS
06. 小不點Tiny Tom
07. 哈姆林的吹笛者The Pied Piper of Hamelin
08. 小錫兵歷險記The Tin Soldier
09. 皇帝的新衣The Emperor’s New Clothes
10. 小紅帽Little Red Riding Hood
11. 小杉樹The Little Fir Tree
12. 凱洛琳與耶誕柴Caroline and the Yule Log
13. 雪人The Snow-man
14. 自私的巨人The Selfish Giant
15. 薩華多與聖誕烤鵝餐Salvador and the Christmas Goose
16. 小提琴幽靈The Violin’s Ghost
17. 燭光The Light.
18. 大無畏彼得Fearless Peter
19. 死神教父Death For A Godfather
20. 糖果屋歷險記Hansel and Gretel
21. 太陽與月亮The Sun and the Moon
22. 蘇丹沙皇Tsar Saltan
23. 巨蛇與少女The Snake and the Maiden
24. 貪吃的盤算者The Greedy Calculator
25. 口渴的青蛙The Thirsty Frog
26. 摩德祖瑪的律法Moctezuma’s Law
27. 神奇魔法帽The Magic Hat
28. 商人的女兒 The Merchant’s Daughter
29. 大樹下的秘密 The Tall Tree
30. 斯芬克斯的謎語 The Sphinx’s Riddle 31. 鳥女孩 The Bird Girl
32. 忘恩負義的知更鳥 The Ungrateful Robin
33. 布穀鳥的巢 The Cuckoo’s Nest
34. 黃色的母雞 The Yellow Hen 35. 無聊的小海鷗 The Bored Seagull
36. 美人魚和紅蘋果 The Siren and the Apples
37. 海馬誕生的傳奇故事 The Birth of the Seahorse
38. 發現冰島的歐力克 Ulrich and the Ice Island
39. 人魚男孩 Fishtail
40. 水族大戰 The Fish War
41. 小狗信差 The Dog’s Letter
42. 磨鹽小磨臼 The Salt Mill
43. 尼瑪與農夫 The Nyamas and the Farmer
44. 太陽和月亮的家 The Sun and the Moon’s Home
45. 小提琴的傳說 The Violin’s Story
46. 神奇的大樹 The Magic Tree
47. 想像中的大餐 The Imaginary Banquet
48. 神奇的棕牛 The Brown Cow
49. 神秘的陌生人 The Mysterious Stranger
50. 摩根和他的好朋友 Merguen and His Friends
51. 光明的未來 Nasreddin’s Path
52. 國王的愛馬 The King’s Horse
53. 聰明的女孩 The Clever Girl
54. 太陽之母和麻袋之父 The Sun’s Mother and the Father of all Sacks
55. 快樂的修道院長 The Abbot of La Real
56. 膽小兔子和沒人會怕的毛毛蟲 The Cowardly Hare and the Caterpillar that No One Could Scare
57. 夫唱婦隨 If It Suits You, It Suits Me
58. 夜鶯 The Nightingale
59. 最優雅的公主 The Most Refined Princess in the World
60. 太陽和月亮的女兒 The Sun and the Moon’s Daughter
61. 蝙蝠 The Bat
62. 要換腳嗎 Shall We Trade Legs
63. 小胡狼與大鱷魚 The Jackal and the Crocodile
64. 野兔和刺蝟 The Hare and the Hedgehog
65. 夜鶯的預言 The Birds’ Language
66. 空空先生 Mr. Nothing
67. 黑心的董三娘 Mrs. Number 3
68. 瘋狂乳牛與樂天派老太太 The Crazy Cow and Old Optimist
69. 好運連連夫人與有錢人先生 Mrs. Luck and Mr. Money
70. 自戀的內褲 The Underpants
71. 艾帕米諾達與克麗奧佩卓 Epaminonda and Cleopatra
72. 好醜的火星人 The Ugly Martian
73. 裡克與波莉卡 Riquet and Pobrica
74. 忘恩負義的花豹 The Ungrateful Jaguar
75. 可愛小麻雀 The Little Sparrow
76. 小蝸牛與薄荷草 The Snail and the Pennyroyal
77. 小魚兒 Little Fish
78. 四個音樂家 The Four Musicians
79. 小諾拉怎麼了 What’s Wrong with Nora
80. 大太陽 Sunlight, Sun Bright
Draw Me A Story
Total Episodes: 10 minutes X 80 Episodes (SD)
Category: Educational/ Arts
Language: Mandarin
Subtitle: Chinese
In Draw Me A Story an expressive narrative voice tells a classic fairy tale as the camera focuses on a close-up of an artist’s hand illustrating the story as it is told. Each story lasts about eight minutes and a different artistic technique – i.e., water colors, drawings, collage, etc. – is used for each one. No part of the story is animated. The aim is to stimulate children’s imagination and interest in the illustrative process. Included are universally popular fairy tales such as The Three Little Pigs., Goldilocks, Cinderella, The Turtle and the Hare.
語言:中文/英文 長度:10分鐘x80集 類型: 美術教育類 內容簡介: 嶄新創意手法 彩繪童話新貌 畫畫說故…