小神童 The Wonderful Adventures of Nils


改編自諾貝爾文學獎得主 塞爾瑪 拉格洛芙「尼爾斯的奇妙冒險」


這時候他才知道,原來動物們對他深惡痛絕,正想藉機報復,幸好來了一群要前往「愛之島」的野雁,由於尼可家的大白鵝也想跟去,為了躲避動物們的追殺, 尼可也只好跟著牠飛上天,展開奇幻的冒險!

Total Episodes: 23 minutes X 52 Episodes (SD)

Category: Fantsay/ Educational/ Adventure/ Animation

Language: Japan

Subtitle: Chinese


    The Wonderful Adventures of Nils is an anime adaptation of the novel by the Swedish author Selma Lagerlof. The 52 episode series ran on the Japanese network NHK from January 1980 to March 1981.

    Plot summary: Nils Holgersson is a 14 year old farm boy, the son of poor farmers. He is lazy and disrespectful to his fellowman. In his spare time he enjoys abusing the animals in his family farm. One day Nils captures a tomte in a net while his family is at church and have left him home to memorize chapters from the Bible. The tomte proposes to Nils that if Nils frees him, the tomte will give him a huge gold coin. Nils rejects the offer and the tomte turns Nils into a tomte, which leaves him shrunken and able to talk with animals, who are thrilled to see the boy reduced to their size and are angry and hungry for revenge. While this is happening, wild geese are flying over the farm on one of their migrations, and a white farm goose called Morten attempts to join the wild ones. Nils manages to flee on Morten’s back together with his new hamster friend Carrot, and they join a flock of wild geese flying towards Lapland for summer.

    The wild geese, who are not pleased at all to be joined by a boy and a domestic goose, eventually take him on an adventurous trip across all the historical provinces of Sweden, they encounter many adventures and characters like Smirre. Along the ride and at the same time the characters and situations Nils encounters make him learn to help other people and not be selfish. During the trip, Nils learns that if he proves he has changed for the better, the tomte might be disposed to change him back to his normal size.

語言:日文 長度:23分鐘x52集 類型:奇幻冒險動畫 內容簡介: 改編自諾貝爾文學獎得主 塞爾瑪 拉格洛芙「…