同一屋簷下 (第二部) Under the Same Roof (Season 2)




Total Episodes: 60 minutes X 12 Episodes

Category: Japanese TV Drama

Language: Japanese

Subtitle: Chinese


The Kashiwagi Family’s life continues. Koume finally gets into an university, while Masaya decides to travel round the world to save as many people as he can with his skills. Fumiya, on the other hand, breakthroughs his inferior feeling and is dating a blind penpal girlfriend. Meanwhile,

Kazuya builds up a strong relationship with his colleague, Miki, who then moves into the family after her mother’s death, adding to the strength of the family together with the other new tenant, Shinjou. However, the love tri-relationship between Tatsuya, Masaya and Koyuki is put on test when Koyuki is dying from cancer.


No. Episode titles
1 Goodbye second brother
2 Renter is a pretty girl?
3 One whose heart is poor
4 Youth in the decaying age
5 Tragic love on the wheelchair
6 Brother on the wheelchair
7 Dam in the heart
8 Masaya, come back
9 The second brother returns
10 Koyuki’s life, Masaya’s love, Tatsuya’s cry
11 The most important love on earth – sibling bonds
12 Goodbye the Kashiwagi’s – June wedding

語言:日文 長度:60分鐘x12集 類型:日劇 內容簡介 經過柏木千辛萬苦才重聚到一起的柏木一家終於熱鬧如初。…